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Hall Hire Terms and Conditions


  • We grant you and you accept a personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable licence to access the Licence Area for the Permitted Use during the Licence Term.   

  • At the end of the Licence Term (each session) you must remove any items brought on to the Licence Area and leave it clean and tidy, with all rubbish removed.  In the event that any damage is caused to the Licence Area because of your use of it, we will arrange to have the damage repaired and the actual cost of doing so will be a liquidated debt. 

  • You must comply with all laws and requirements of authorities in connection with your use of the Licence Area (including obtaining any permits, consents and approvals). This includes complying with conditions of approval of the Entertainment Venue Permit issued by Brisbane City Council. Permit No. EVO2382152119 (Copy Provided) 

  • The Licence Fee includes any goods and services tax (GST).  If any other payments under this Licence are subject to GST then you must pay us the amount of any GST for which we are liable.   


Insurance, Indemnity and Release  

  • You indemnify us against all liabilities, losses, costs or damages incurred or suffered directly or indirectly in connection with: 

  • your negligence and default;  

  • your use of the Licence Area; and 

  • any third party making a claim or taking action against us because of any death, personal injury, or any damage to property, or loss of property, occurring in the Licence Area. 

  • Each indemnity in this Licence is a continuing obligation, separate and independent from the other obligations of the parties and survives termination of this licence for whatever reason. It is not necessary to incur expense or make a payment before enforcing a right of indemnity conferred by this agreement. 


Key Fees 

  • Once off $50.00 Key Bond 

  • A refund of $50.00 will be available for Keys returned in working order on the next business day after the hire 


Return of Bond & Key Deposit 

An inspection will be carried out after the hire. If during the inspection, damages or missing items are noted, it will be determined which hire party was responsible and any required repairs will be undertaken before any bond remaining will be refunded. 


If no damages or missing items are noted the bond will be returned to you.  


Noise Restrictions 

This section refers specifically to Noise created by the licensee and is additional to any references to noise elsewhere in this document. The licensee accepts responsibility and compliance for all items referred to below. 


General Obligations 

Without limiting your obligations elsewhere in this document, we may make and vary rules in connection with the access, use and occupation of the Licence Area (Rules).  You must comply with the Rules after they are notified to you.  The Rules include the requirement that you must not do anything in or around the Licence Area that, in our reasonable opinion, may be annoying, dangerous or offensive, for example, you must ensure: 

  • An adult must supervise children at all times. 

  • All in attendance behave in an orderly manner 

  • All equipment belonging to Fitzgibbon Community Centre is to be left in good condition at the Venue  

  • Your event does not impact on the local community or surrounds ( i.e.) loud noise, large crowds 

  • You must make sure all electrical equipment that you bring to the centre is tested & tagged by an approved electrician every 12 months. 

  • All doors, gates and windows must be locked on vacation of the Venue  

  • All lights, fans and/or Breeze Air conditioners must be turned off. 

  • Any kitchen equipment or appliances provided must be cleaned and returned to the place it was found at the start of the hiring period. 

  • Loud speakers, televisions &/or music must be used in accordance with both State and Local government noise regulations. 

  • The Hirer must keep a record of persons attending and will be responsible to ensure their evacuation in the case of fire or if the Venue must be evacuated for any other reason. 

  • Any additional furniture or equipment brought to a Venue must first be approved by Fitzgibbon Community Centre 



Tables and Chairs 

  • Please note tables and chairs are included in your hire and are accessible with your key. These items are located at the back of Offices 3, 4 and 5, outside Office 5. You will need to unlock the timber gates and walk up the path to the end of building. 


Occupational Health and Safety 

Everyone on Fitzgibbon Community Centre premises is obliged to take reasonable care to ensure their own health and safety and those of co-workers, visitors and patrons to events. The Hirer must comply with any safety instructions given by Fitzgibbon Community Centre staff.  


The hirer will ensure that no vehicles or equipment are parked or positioned in driveways, exits, hallways etc. so as to block safe access or exit by Emergency Services or other persons 


It is the Hirer's responsibility to ensure that their employees, contractors, volunteers and/or helpers practice good housekeeping to control and identify and report any hazard to Fitzgibbon Community Centre staff immediately. It is the Hirer's responsibility to adequately induct their employees, contractors and helpers/volunteers before starting work in any Venue.  


Prohibited actions 

  • Allow alcohol to be served without first notifying the licensor, registering with Party Safe website and paying any bonds or cleaning fees levied 

  • The Hirer must not drive tacks, nails or screws etc. into Fitzgibbon Community Centre woodwork or any part of the building, furniture or fixtures. Access must be granted to all areas of the venue at all times including any and all cupboards, storerooms or other spaces. 

  • No smoking is permitted on the premises or within 4 metres of the building entrance. 

  • The venue must not be used for any purposes other than as stated on this form or the Booking Sheet. Failure to give correct information will result in immediate cancellation of the venue hire 

  • The premises must not be used for any annoying, offensive or illegal conduct or activity or purpose. 

  • Under no circumstances are firearms or other weapons to be brought onto the property. 

  • The Hirer must not permit any flame (including candles), explosive or fuel to be brought into the Venue. 

  • The Hirer must not use the hall for any activity that will cause impact on the local community 

  • The Hirer must not use the Venue for any purposes that may injure the reputation of Fitzgibbon Community Centre.  

  • The Hirer must not use the Venue in any way that would increase or invalidate any insurance policy taken out by Fitzgibbon Community Centre or increase the premiums payable by Fitzgibbon Community Centre. 

  • The Hirer must not in any advertising imply that Fitzgibbon Community Centre is associated with any event other than providing the facility. 

  • The Venue must not be used by a third party without the prior written permission of Fitzgibbon Community Centre. 

  • Any use of the Venue must not interfere with any other use of the property by Fitzgibbon Community Centre or any other person. 

  • The Hirer must not interfere with any of the electrical or mechanical equipment on the Venue. 

  • The Hirer is not to bring on to the premises or allow others to bring on the premises any illegal goods or substances or any dangerous goods or substances. 

  • The Hirer will not use the Venue for any purpose other than that agreed to and written on the Venue Hire Form. 



Unless by prior arrangement with Fitzgibbon Community Centre, deliveries and pick-ups must be part of the hire period. Unexpected deliveries will be refused. Fitzgibbon Community Centre employees will not dispatch goods from the venues and will not sign for the delivery of goods. 


Decorations, Cleaning and Additions Service

The Hirer may decorate the room on the condition that all decorations are removed by the Hirer at the end of the function and no damage is done to the Venue. An extra charge may be incurred for additional cleaning services if all decorations and or other items are not removed by the Hirer. General cleaning is included in the cost of the Venue hire. An additional fee may be charged where an event generates cleaning beyond the normal level.  


Hirers must ensure that the Venue and its surrounds are cleaned and all of the Hirer’s property is removed from the Venue on vacation. The Hirer is financially liable for any damages sustained by Fitzgibbon Community Centre or its property whether through the Hirer’s own action or through the action of their contractors, sub-contractors or guests and clients attending any function booked by the Hirer or if the Venue and surrounds are not left in a reasonable state of cleanliness. 


No Tenancy 


  • Nothing in this Hire Agreement confers on the Hirer any rights as a tenant and such is expressly negated. The relationship between Fitzgibbon Community Centre and the Hirer is one of licensor and licensee. 

  • Fitzgibbon Community Centre may in its discretion and without the need to give any reason whatsoever, refuse to agree to hire the Venue to the Hirer. 

  • Fitzgibbon Community Centre may terminate this Hirer agreement at any time by giving notice to the Hirer. Any fees paid in advance of the date of termination will be refunded by Fitzgibbon Community Centre to the Hirer within 7 days. 



Any breakages of equipment or damage to the Venue must be notified by the Hirer to Fitzgibbon Community Centre immediately. The Hirer will be responsible for the cost of the equipment and for the cost of repair of any damage. If Fitzgibbon Community Centre discovers that any breakage or damage occurred during the period of the Hirer’s occupation of the Venue, Fitzgibbon Community Centre will be entitled to claim the cost of the replacement of the articles from the Hirer, and deduct the cost from the Venue Hire Deposit. If the Venue Hire Deposit is insufficient to cover the cost of the breakage/damage, the Hirer will be personally liable to Fitzgibbon Community Centre for the excess costs. 


In no event will Fitzgibbon Community Centre be liable to the Hirer on any account whatsoever, whether as a result of wear and tear or any defect in any equipment at the Venue for any loss or damage whatsoever including consequential loss or damage and whether or not foreseeable or contemplated. 



It is the responsibility of the Venue Hirer to inform Fitzgibbon Community Centre of any amendments, additions, changes or alterations to the original Venue Hire Form by completing a new Form with the relevant details and sending it to the Venue Coordinator. 


Cancellation Fee 

When notice of cancellation is given within 

  • 0 - 7 days of hire date: no refund of Licence fee  

  • 7 - 14 days of hire date: 50% of Licence fee will be refunded 

  • 14 – 30 days of hire dte: 100% of Licence fee will be refunded 

To Hire the Venue: 0491 676 230

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